Saturday, October 4, 2008

OCZ Brain Mouse, Control The Game With Your Brain!

This is one of a very cool gadget around nowadays! Like the title of the post says...yes it's true now with Brain Mouse, you can control the game with your brain! Crazy huh?

Now OCZ is set to launch a mouse for computer with a feature called Neural Impulse Actuator ( NIA ) and the gadget called Brain Mouse. This mouse is the first mouse made based on BCI (brain-computer interface) specifically use for PC gamers. So now you shoot some bad guys in the game through your mind.... :)

This mouse is connected to your brain with a headset that can read your brain wave. With the configuration, this mouse make the player can control the game without needs of keyboard or other things like it used to.

It's have a USB 2.0 interface, and a headband made with carbon dry interface sensors in it. And the minimum processor is a Dual Core Processor.


shawnn loo said...

This was really amazing...!

wish to get 1, so I can improve my brain... wahahaha

dede said...

that's another great info, thnak for sharing

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Anonymous said...

what time people will be able to invent a gun which can be controlled only with brain..

btw, it's a nice info..thx for sharing

corinthians countree said...

The mouse divides like a cell as many times as the operator can handle and a Z axis appears to join the X and Y as buttons multiply...but will we be able to feel all this motion?

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